January 15. january The German Battleship ”Admiral Tirpitz” is ordered to Norway.
February 1.February Ministerpresident Quisling officially appoints his permanent government. 
DNL arrived in the Leningrad sector in late February 1942, and took up positions south of the city, at Puskin. A few days later DNL dug in at Krassnoe Selo, about 13 km westwards. 
13. February Vidkun Quisling visits Berlin.
March 20. March About 1000 schoolteachers are arrested.
June 27. June The Germans attack the convoy PQ 17 that is heading for Murmansk. The result is a hard blow to the Allies, as most ships are sunk.
July Fourteen months after its establishment the title ”Norges SS” was altered on July 21st, 1942, to ”Germanske SS Norge” (”Germanic SS Norway – G.S.S.N”) by a Party Order signed by Quisling.
October 25.October Gulbrand Lunde, one of Quislings charismatic Ministers, dies in a mysterious car accident. Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang, formerly an NS student’s leader and General Secretary in NS succeeds him.
26.October Jews in Norway are arrested. (About 850 jews.)
November 26.November First large deportation of Jews from Norway.

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