
Ritter v. Schleich, Eduard (1888 – 1947) 

Commanded Feldluftgau Norwegen from 17.01.44 with the rank of Generalleutnant after commanding the Luftwaffe in Denmark since 1941. He possibly became the temporary Komandandierende General der Luftwaffe in Norwegen between 10.10.44 and 15.11.44 before leaving Norway. He joined the army on 01.10.08 as a reservist, called up in August 1914 he was wounded that same month, after recovering he joined the new Bayerisch air arm in May 1915 and would be involved in flying for the rest of the war. After serivce with civilian airlines in the 1920’s he was Führer der SS-Fliegerstaffel Süd between 1931 and 33, he became a reserve officer in the Luftwaffe  on the 01.04.35. At the end of the war he died whilst under American captivity. He was awarded the ‘Pour le Mèrite’ (blue max) on 04.12.17.
Scott-Malden, David (1919-2000)
Air Vice-Marshal David Scott-Malden. Born 26. December 1919. Pilot officer Oct 1939. During the time (from 28. April 1942) the Norwegian Fighter Sqdn 331 and 332 were stations at North Weald in Epping, Essex, Scott-Malden were the Wing Commander untill he went on leave 26 august 1942. 
Air Vice-Marshal 1965 
DSO 1942 – DFC 1941 – Bar to DFC - Norwegian War Cross w/Sword 1942 – Commander Order of Orange Nassau (Dutch).
Siilasvuo, Hjalmar (1892-1947)
Finnish officer who led the army corps which included ”6.SS-Gebirgsdivision Nord” for a period. Siilasvuo was a volunteer to German service during WW1 with ”Jegerkorps 27”. He was colonel during the Winter War, and led the Finnish army to victory during the battle at Suomussalmi. He was appointed general in 1942, and led an army corps 1941-44, The “3rd Finnish corps”. Siilasvuo led the Finnish offensive against the Germans in 1944 in North Finland.
 Skancke, Ragnar
Ragnar Sigvald Skancke was born in 1890, and had been a member of NS for many years. Skancke was a Professor at the Technical High School in Trondhjem, and was regarded as being a very intelligent man.
He was sentenced to death, and executed on the 28th August 1948, even If the High Court received letters from 668 Priests who begged for mercy on Skanckes behalf.
Skarphaugen, Hans 
Skarphaugen was born in 1888, and was a professor at the Technical High School in Trondhjem. He joined the Government on the 1st February 1944, after earlier having served in several major positions. He was a pre-war NS member, and received a sentence of 20 years Hard Work during the post-war Trials.
 Stang, Axel (1904-1974)
Axel Heiberg Stang was born in 1904, and came from a wealthy and well-known family. He led the Sports Department, which also was responsible for ”Atbeidstjenesten” (AT). Stang joined SS Regiment ”Nord” at the Salla front, more or less by a coincidence, and became the first Norwegian to serve in this unit.
Stang was a young and popular politician, and was therefor quite useful for NS. He received a life time sentence of Hard Work, for ”destroying the free organisation of Sports, and forcing the youth to think in a nazi way”. He died in 1974.
Stumpff, Hans-Jürgen  (1889-1968)
As General der Flieger he was appointed to take over command of  the newly created Luftflotte 5 on 10.05.40 in Norway which had begun forming under Generaloberst Erhard Milch on 12.04.40. This unit controlled all flying units of the Luftwaffe stationed in the country. On 19.07.40 he was promoted to the rank of Generaloberst and remained in this position until 06.11.43. Stumpff had joined the army on 01.04.07 and fought as an infantry officer throughout WWI, after the war he stayed on in the army until 01.09.33 when he transferred to the newly resurrected Luftwaffe. At the end of WWII he was held as a POW by the allies until October 1947. Stumpff was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 18.09.41 as commander of Luftflotte 5.
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