Norway during ww2 Donation site
Norwegian page here!
What is Nuav/NDWW2? (Norway during ww2)
NDWW2 is an information center about Norwegian history of war between 1940-45. This website has been made possible by kind contributors both in Norway and abroad.
NDWW2 has won several prizes for content and design, and has been mentioned in Norwegian newspapers in several occasions. 
In short time NDWW2 has grown to be the worlds biggest website about Norway's role during ww2.
NDWW2 has become a valuable recourse for students, journalists, historians, veterans and other with a special interest for history.
How can I help Nuav/NDWW2?
You can donate either money or militaria;
With money, we can keep this site up and running. We pay extra to keep away all those pop-up commercials and avoid restricted space and bandwith. You can help us by donating any amount by Paypal (account: kurt@nuav.net), to our bankaccount or even cash in the mail. (Contact us for bank account or snail mail adress)
Donate by Paypal:

Militaria and books:

We use many objects and pictures to illustrate our articles. We will care for all objects and as far as possible use them in our website. In some cases, we will pass on object or duplicates to suitable museums or organisations that can find better use of your donation. (If possible, we will contact and inform you about this.) We also accept items or documents and photos that the donator do not want to be published. Such items is usually id- cards, documents and photos. We then use these items as internal reference material.
All documents, photos and flat objects will be kept in a fireproof safe with low humidity, so you can rest asure that your donation will be taken good care of.
Donators can also give militaria for us to sell to our contacts worldwide. Typical objects are helmets, gasmasks and other hardware not traceable to a specific owner. We can sometimes obtain good prices, helping paying Nuavs bills. 
We do NOT sell donated material unless the previous owner approves with this!
If you want to donate any militaria, contact us

Helmets, books, medals, documents.. 
We can put almost everything to good use in one way or another!

What's in it for me?

First of all, you get that warm good feeling by helping us present a bit of Norwegian history online. We do this work for free, if you found any use of our website, you can tell us by donating money or militaria.
Second; Within each year, all those who donates more than 25-30 Euros or US$30-35 (250 NOK) will participate in an annual draw with nice prizes. Depending on what we find for you, there will be at least a first and a second prize for our +30 Euros donators. We usually have three prizes. (This year, we have only twoo, but they are GREAT!)

What happened to Nuavs friends club?

There was very much work with the friends club, and the last year only 15%-20% of our members paid the annual fee even though we sent out the bill by snail mail. We can understand that this bill had lower priority than anything else in the heaps of bills, and found that direct donation whenever it suits the donator was the best solution. This saves us a lot of work (And we can finally stop using the old computer where the database was stored!) We also save postage to all our members. Instead of keeping track of all those who remembered to pay and those who did'nt, we just check our paypal account and immediately see who's on our annual draw list. (We also include those who pay by regular bankaccount and cash in the mail.)

Who won in the last draw?

The last draw in  2007 had two winners:
They won a Original Iron Cross second class from Detlev Niemann and a DVD documentary from BBC about Hiroshima. Congrats from us in Nuav!

The winners in 2007 are:
Dennis Carver
Magne Lein

Do you have any questions?
Contact us!
The results of the next draw will be published 
15. January 2008!
All pictures/material unless otherwise stated, are owned or supervised by NDWW2/NUAV's webmaster. You are not allowed to copy, publish or in any way distribute material from these pages without the webmaster’s written permission.This site do not represent any kind of political statement, it is made by people with the historical interest of Norway in the period between 1940 - 1945. Copyright 1999-2005 © Kurt Monsen.