 ..the English Wiking from Tromsø..
Simon in his cave ;-)
Articles by 
Simon Orchard:

Commando operations
in Norway.

The Soviet advance
into Norway

Simon Orchard has been with Nuav almost from the start. He's been a steady co-worker and have helped with ideas and suggestions in almost all areas of Nuav. He's also written some excellent articles and have a genuine interest in WW2 seldom found. As webmaster, I asked him to tell a little bit about himself, as usual it did not take long to get an answer:

"I was born in London on the 29th of August 1969 and grew up in England and Switzerland. I joined the Royal Artillery at 16 years of age and spent most of my career with 20 Commando Battery Royal Artillery, which provides the air defence element for 3rd Commando Brigade Royal Marines. Having served in many countries not least of which Norway where I spent a total of almost 2 years, doing many jobs ranging from missile operator to arctic warfare instructor I finally left after 12 years service and moved to Tromsø to be with my future wife Marianne. I'm currently studying towards a second career in IT, focusing on networks.
            My interests include military history (obviously), archeology, palaentology, friluftsliv (which I can't directly translate into English believe it or not but literally translates to 'free air life'), travel and computers. Whilst I'm interested in all periods of military history i have specialised in the German armed forces of 1933-45 and RAF Bomber Command, since moving to Tromsø I've started focusing on Northern Norway's part in WW2."

Simon Orchard

Norway during ww2

Excellent source 
of ww2 books!
Simons favourite books:
'The other side of the hill' by Sir Basil Lidell Hart. A classic account dealing with the German army and her Generals by a well known authority on the subject.

'Bomber Command' by Max Hastings. Well researched and well written account of RAF bomber command.

'Inside the third reich' by Albert Speer. A great book from one of Germany's key figures of the period.

'The Commandos 1940-46' by Charles Messenger. The story of my predecessors and what it means to have earnt the 'green beret'.

The works of Sven Hassel and 'the forgotten soldier' by Guy Sajer.  I must mention these books as they were largely responsible for my gaining an interest in 'the other side of the hill' and prompted me from an early age to start 'digging deeper' into the history of WW2. 


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