
Terboven, Joseph (1898-1945)

Terboven, formerly a bank employee, early joined the German NSDAP, and became “Gauleiter” in Essen. (1923). Soon after, he was appointed member of the “Reichstag” (1930) and President of the Rhine area in 1935. Terboven had a close contact with Adolf Hitler, and was appointed “Reichskommisar” in Norway on the 24th April 1940.
Terboven had several clashes with the generals in Norway, among them Falkenhorst. He was a controversial person during all the years 1940-45, and his relationship with Quisling was very poor.
Terboven committed suicide in 1945 by sitting on a crate of 50 kg dynamite that he finally detonated.

Thorne, Sir Andrew (1885-1970)

General, Sir Thorne had the impressing title “Commander-in Chief Allied Land Forces Norway and Head of the Allied Mission to Norway” in May 1940. Thorne had been an officer in WW2, and he participated in France 1940. During the thirties, he had been military attaché both in Washington and Berlin, the last from 1932-35, He had also paid Norway a visit in 1932, and even met Quisling.
It was therefor quite an expert both in the German and Norwegian NS environments that led the very difficult task of disarming and repatriating about 375 00 German troops, and 100 000 concentration camp prisoners – there were people from about 25 countries. Thorne arrived in Norway 13th May 1945.
His orders included the destruction of the massive amount of German war material present, something the Norwegian authorities objected strongly to.
Thorne had been quite prepared, since he actually got the task as early as in 1944. At that time he commanded the Scottish Command. He solved his mission very well, according to both Germans and Norwegians. 
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