
Kammhuber, Josef   (1896-1986)

Replaced Stumpff as commander of Luftflotte 5 on 20.11.43 after having being the commanding general of nightfighters in Germany with the rank of General der Flieger. On 16.09.44 Lufflotte 5 (air units) along with Feldluftgau Norwegen (ground units) were merged to create a single headquarters under the title Kommandierende General der Deutschen Luftwaffe in Norwegen. Kammhuber took over command of the new position until 10.10.44. Joining the army as a wartime volunteer on 19.08.14 Kammhuber spent WWI as an infantryman, staying on after the war he transferred to the new Luftwaffe on 01.09.33. In 1935 he commanded the South-American voyage of the famous airship “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. He is most known for his involvment in the development of the nightfighter arm combatting the increasingly heavy air raids of the RAF’s bomber command, he was replaced and sent to Norway in Nov.43 after having disagreed with Hitler. He was held as a POW by the Americans until 10.04.48 and re-entered the new Luftwaffe being formed on 06.06.56, after a career spanning almost 50 years he retired on 30.09.62 as Inspekteur der Luftwaffe with the rank of four star General. Kammhuber was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 09.07.41 as Kommandeur der 1.Nachtjagd-Division.

Krancke, Theodor  (30.03.93-18.06.73)

Was the last Commander of German naval forces in Norway taking over from Admiral Ciliax on 26.04.45, a post which he held until 26.08.45. Krancke had earlier been the commander of the pocket-battleship Admiral Scheer (31.10.39-03.06.41) as well as holding the position of chief of staff to the commanding admiral in Norway (12.04.40-16.06.40). Later he was the naval representative at Hitlers headquarters (01.01.42-28.02.43) before taking over as commander of naval command West (20.04.43-18.04.45).
Krancke entered the navy on 01.04.12 and served throughout WWI in the IX torpedoboat flottilla, he ended his career with the rank of Admiral to which he was promoted on 01.03.43. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 21.02.41 and Eichenlaub on 18.10.44.
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